Saturday, July 26, 2014


Got to experience my first Calgary Stampede!

I decided to go to the rodeo to see how I felt about what was happening to the animals.

It will probably be my last rodeo. The poor calves being lassoed, flipped over and thrown to the ground was very difficult to see.

The barrel racing and the RCMP horse show was fun to watch!

What are your thoughts on Rodeos?

Gotta run.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Jasper National Park, Alberta

I surprised Andrew with a weekend trip to Jasper for the Easter Weekend.  It was our first time visiting.  The weather was pretty bad on the way up..... snow storm through a lot of the journey.

This was the view from our balcony.  

This Lac Beauvert.  

I think that is Mt Dromore is in the background.

The lake was still about 90% frozen.  The limestone in the water contains calcite...... which gives you this beautiful green colour.

You can especially see the colour here.... Athabaska Falls.  Unfortunately the route to the base was closed off due to ice covering most of the downward trail.

I spent a lot of time watching the geese.

As we were leaving the lodge a few elk were grazing.  I pulled over to let them pass.

I had never seen real live mountain goats before (shitty picture because of the zoom).

I saw this guy on the side of the Highway and pulled over  (We were in an avalanche zone which means there is no parking/ stopping on the side of the road.... I am sure that there must be a clause that allows you to stop if there is an awesome photo opportunity :-)

One last photo of Lac Beauvert.

I am getting pretty good at driving and snapping photos.  This seemingly normal mountain is actually a glacier.  How cool is that?!  We decided to hold off on doing the glacier tour until the snow has melted.  That will be another post at another time!

Gotta run.